NCDC Advocacy

NCDC advocates for the safe and effective use of cannabis. We specialize in cannabis use for health matters including diseases.

NCDC provides a professionally recognized platform that speaks with confidence and assuredness in all things related to the Maryland Medical Cannabis Program.

NCDC oversee cannabis legislation in cannabis-legal states and drive policy in states that are beginning to come on board.

NCDC visits government venues to discuss upcoming legislation and lobby for actions that best serve and support patients.

NCDC offers tips and guidelines on how to:

— Write a proper public comment statement

— Create testimony outlines

— Research a legislator’s views

— Use talking points related to legislation or regulation

— Prepare to answer any questions

NCDC partners with the ANCA (American Cannabis Nurses Association), CNN (Cannabis Nurses Network), and a variety of educational conferences and other resources — who have graciously provided national platforms.

NCDC continues to grow and expand our group of partnering organizations.

NCDC Is mindful of the need for ongoing research and access to the latest medical cannabis information.

NCDC Advocacy Goals for 2023:

• A place at the table with MMCC (Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission)

• A place at the table with NCIA (National Cannabis Industry Association)

• A white paper about the importance of medical oversight for medical cannabis patients as a necessity for all dispensaries in the country. NCDC will present to ACNA and Patients Out of Time.

NCDC stakes our professional reputations towards these causes. We are working against 80 + years of propaganda and rhetoric.

NCDC needs your support.

You are invited to Join NCDC as an Advocate.

If you are already a member of NCDC, consider making a donation towards our Advocacy efforts.

National Clinical Director Consortium is a Non-profit Organization

© Copyright 2025 National Clinical Director Consortium

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